Rules and Regulations


  • The school reserve the right to refuse admission to any candidate without furnishing any reasons.
  • For withdrawal of a pupil from the school a calendar month's notice must be given in writing otherwise a calendar month's fee will be charged.
  • Promotion to the next class is granted on the basis of the pupil performance in unit tests and term examinations. Minimum 40% marks in a subject and an overall 45% of the marks in aggregate in all subjects is a must.
  • The School Management, acting through the Principal will request the withdrawal of a pupil who fails for two consecutive years in a class. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience and disrespect towards members or staff, bad moral influence, all justify dismissal.
  • The name of the pupil who remain absent for two successive calendar weeks without prior intimation shall be struck off the rolls.
  • The name of the Pupil will be struck of the roll if monthly fee is due for 3 consecutive months.
  • During the absence of a teacher, pupil must obey the prefect/ monitor appointed to maintain good order.
  • While every care will be taken to prevent accidents. The Management will not be liable for injuries sustained by the pupil in the course of everyday activities.
  • Pupil are not granted leave outside regular vacation periods. Presence on the last day before and on the first day after a long vacation is a must failing which the names may be struck off the rolls.
  • Parents are expected to co-operate in the work of the school by enforcing discipline and convey interest in their children. They are to extend fullest encouragement to participation in school activities.
  • No pupil will be admitted without a transfer certificate from the last school - In the event of withdraws of a pupil from the school, all dues must be cleared before a month in full before a Transfer Certificate to be issued.
  • (i)Pupil are not permitted to bring comics or any kind of objectionable literature, Electronic Device with them. Students are not allowed to wear any ornaments.
    (ii)Pupils are strictly forbidden to leave school Premises without the permission of the Principal / Teacher - in – charge.