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Expert Teachers

Highly qualified and competent teachers make the subjects easy to understand. Best Classrooms

Best Classrooms

School has Air-Conditioners in all the classrooms to provide learning environment even in warmest day.

About Us

"A Temple of True learning to liberate a learner"

A school is a collection of group of people who share a common characteristic of opinion or outlook of philosophy, discipline, belief, social movement, cultural movement or art movement.

A special school is on which satisfies the definition of school. Therefore Gurukul Global School is such an institution which imparts education focussing on individual development bearing in mind the changing need of society. School managed directly by 'Gurukul educational & Welfare Society’. Education is never ending process which passes from Cradle to grave. It is about Development and growth even when we are studying the past. Thus as an educator the aspect of thinking we tend to focus upon is learning.

Mr. Ajitesh Gupta